Sunday 18 May 2014


Warner Bros Studio Tour, London, ENGLAND

If you're in this pie, scroll no further muggle my friend.
P/s: Statistics don't lie hehehe

Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe & Emma Watson
HARRY POTTER has been a great series of both book and movies. The series had become a worldwide phenomenon since the first movie came out. Writer, J.K Rowling had definitely created history with her legendary works. Like the vast majority of Harry Potter fans, I wanna experience the magic of Harry Potter and the closest thing we'd get for it is called the Warner Bros Studio Tour in London.

Map to Warner Bros Studio Tour 
The entrance to the studio
map of the studio
The dining hall. One of the best occasion here is when the three best friends got sorted in Gryffindor by the sorting hat
Gryffindor common room. The fireplace where Sirius Black keeps in touch with Harry
The Weasley's kitchen. Harry and Ginny's first kiss happened here!
Hogwarts bridge. Where Voldemort's army starts to attack Harry's gang
Model of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 

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